College of Social Work: ‘Our board will be democratic’
It’s high risk to bring in an entirely new governing board in one go, explains a transition board member in response to claims that the College is not acting democratically, by Graham Brittain
Ray Jones claims that the College of Social Work will be undemocratic. This is untrue. We will be fully democratic from 2016 onwards and we will become progressively more democratic up to that point.
From this year, half the social worker positions on our governing committees will be democratically elected and this proportion will gradually increase until we achieve full democracy in three years’ time.
It is widely accepted that not for profit organisations, like the College of Social Work, take at least five years to become viable and therefore funding from government for appropriate work does not compromise independence. Rather, it provides support to build a sustainable organisation. It is also widely accepted that for the purposes of good governance and business continuity, it is extremely high risk to bring in an entirely new governing board in one go, as would have been the case had we gone for full democracy this year.
The College is committed to democracy and openness in its governance. That’s why our election process is already underway. Currently, there are four places up for election on the board and six places on the professional assembly.
We are inviting all of our members who are interested in getting more involved with the College to apply to become a member of the board or professional assembly. Members have until 28 January to send in their applications, and we are actively encouraging any member who wishes to play a larger role in making the College a success to take part.
Our nominations committee will scrutinise those wishing to stand for election as board members to make sure they are eligible, which is good practice.
Then, on 11 February, the independent body Electoral Reform Services will be contacting all our members by email to inform them that voting has opened. They will also be told they have two weeks to vote. Full information about the election can be found on the College website. This election is just the first step in a rolling process of democratisation of our board and professional assembly, which will see both bodies fully elected by 2016.
Our progressive approach will preserve the continuity and stability of the organisation, which is essential if we are to be the “strong voice” for social workers that Professor Jones rightly wants us to be.
In addition, all current transition board members, with the exception of service user representatives, are qualified social workers who give their time voluntarily, with the interests of the profession very much at heart.
Finally, I would like to add that the College has reserved board places for people who use services and carers, in recognition that their stake in the development of the profession, and therefore in the College, is absolutely vital. This recognises that social work exists for the benefit of people who use social work services.
Graham Brittain is a member of the College of Social Work’s transition board and is a qualified social worker