Housing and social care: charities warning over ‘catastrophic’ 83% cuts
Draconian ‘last resort’ cuts to Derby’s supported housing budget will trigger an outbreak of crime and rough sleeping among vulnerable youngsters, say campaigners
What happens when services on which vulnerable people rely simply disappear? The question is a critical one in Derby, where the budget for housing support faces an extraordinary cut of 83% over the next two years.
It is thought to be the biggest reduction of its kind, and has been described by local charities, perhaps not unreasonably, as “catastrophic”.
Housing support, paid for through the Supporting People funding stream, helps a range of at-risk clients keep a roof over their head in hostels and homes: rough sleepers, teenage parents, youngsters thrown out by their parents, drug and alcohol addicts, asylum seekers, ex-prisoners, adults with mental illness problems and people with a learning disability.
In Derby, funding for these services, currently £9.9m, will shrink from April to £1.7m by 2014-15. The city council says government cuts leave it with little choice: cutting discretionary housing support on this scale is the only way to meet the rising costs of statutory social services such as keeping older people in residential care, and providing care for pensioners living at home.
The consequences of the draconian cuts to housing support, say local charities, will be severe. Gillian Sewell, Chief Executive of YMCA Derbyshire, which will lose 84% of its funding from the council in April, accuses the council of “robbing Peter to pay Paul”:
The effects of the proposed cuts will be measured in a potentially disastrous rise in homelessness, rough sleeping, crime, anti-social behaviour, ruined lives and human suffering in Derby. Furthermore, many of those facing housing crisis will have to be housed in unsafe, inappropriate B&B or similar accommodation at an increased cost to the Council.
Cllr Fareed Hussain, cabinet member for adult services and health at Derby City council, says the cuts to supported housing represent the least risky, least bad option available. The council’s adult social care budget had suffered relatively light cuts compared to other departments, but nonetheless would lose £6m by 2015, at a time when care costs were rising.
Given this financial pressure, adult care spending had to be prioritised and targeted at individuals assessed to have substantial or critical needs (they might need help being fed, or going to the toilet, for example). Hussain says these are people who, were they not to receive care, would be at the most serious risk of harm, such as older people in residential care.
That means, says Hussain, that “the vast majority” of around 400 vulnerable younger people in need of supported housing in Derby will no longer qualify for services in future. Asked what these youngsters people will do if the services are withdrawn, he agreed that some of them, inevitably, would have to rely on a different part of the state welfare system for support:
If they have got significant problems then they can fall back on statutory services like mental health
Hussain, acknowledges that this is a highly risky decision. Studies show that preventative housing support saves money in the long term. Intervening effectively and early with troubled young people, when risks are at relatively low, can stop them sliding into homelessness, crime and substance misuse. Cutting housing support can lead to a rise in rough sleeping and anti-social behaviour:
I have got no argument against people who say we will see more homelessness. I can’t put my hand on heart and say this will not happen.
Axing vital services for troubled teenagers in order to fund care for frail older people, he suggests, is a “last resort”, a dire choice of the bad over the less bad forced on the council by the government’s equally draconian local authority funding cuts.
I did not come into politics to make this sort of decision. I went into social work to improve people’s quality of life and this is totally against the grain of my training.
Derby may be making extreme cuts but it not the only one chopping back, according to Homeless Link, a charity which represents homelessness charities. It points out that although since the recession began in 2009 people applying for help with homelessness has increased by a fifth, 4,000 beds for homeless people have been lost. In 2012-13, five out of 10 homelessness services saw their funding cut. In a report published last week it warned that cuts would push some charities “beyond the point of financial viability.”
Coping with the expected consequences of supported housing cuts, without the benefit of state help, is going to test charitable ingenuity to the limit. Meanwhile, according to Sewell, welfare reforms coming into effect in April will only exacerbate the situation:
New rules coming in during 2013 will see household budgets being capped and scenarios introduced where it may be financially beneficial for a parent to ask their child to leave home because new benefit rules means they have their own benefits cut. This could mean more young people beginning to present themselves as homeless; a number of these vulnerable and needing intervention and support… the levels of support that previously existed will no longer be there and it could lead to increases in the number of young people sleeping rough on the streets.
The council decides this month whether to take forward its cuts proposals. But this will not be the end of the story. Sacrificing housing support may have given adult social care a breathing space, says Hussain, but only a temporary one:
In 2014-15 we will be expected to make further cuts. I simply cannot see, as someone who spent 30 years working in social care, where the next cuts are going to come from.