Watchdog criticizes Herefordshire Council adult social care budget

THE Audit Commission has branded Herefordshire Council’s adult social care budget “unrealistic”.

A report from the commission warns of tough decisions that need to be taken on other council budgets in order to support spending on the service.

The Hereford Times has previously reported the budget pressures on adult social care when the service overspent by £5.5 million over the past financial year – a figure up from £750,000 in 2008/09 with demand from an ageing population expected to rise even further, and faster, in future years.

The report recommends the council to reconsider the service budget but warns that may mean “some difficult decisions” need to be taken in other areas.

The council is currently analysing information from a survey by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Care Services, on levels of funding to meet budget pressures, in order to re-assess its approach.

Adequate reserves and balances elsewhere

There was better news for the council in the commission’s acknowledgement of a “well developed” medium-term financial strategy and awareness of current and future financial challenges.

The council was found to have adequate reserves and balances, but these are recognised as reducing.

Savings of over £8m were made by the council in 2011/12 mainly through service reform and cuts.

The council’s 2012/13 base budget requires directorates to make £9.6m of savings and for centrally held budgets to save £1.2m.

But slippages in adult social care and procurement have added another £7m to the savings bringing the total up to £17.9m to be delivered.