20% cuts to care packages as Calderdale Council review gets underway

CARE costs could be reduced by 20% as a council begins a review of its learning disabilities system.

Calderdale Council says that they need to find “new and innovative approaches” to deal with the growing number of people with learning disabilities.

And the council says: “It is important to be clear from the outset that a major driver behind this exercise is to find ways of managing the growing cost of provision in this area.

“Adults with learning disabilities constitute a major element of the demand pressures being felt by both the local authority and the NHS.

“A fresh look at that demand and how it can be best met is essential if we are to meet the challenges faced by both the council and NHS Calderdale.”

They also reveal that a number of “quick wins” are needed and the report adds: “To this end negotiations are in train with NHS Calderdale to review all existing out of area and/or high cost packages to see what savings, if any, might be achieved.

“A target has been set of 20% reduction in the cost of these packages of care.”

The review will lead to the re-shaping of services to vulnerable adults and is a joint study between the council and NHS Calderdale.

Clr Robert Metcalfe, Cabinet member for Adults, Health and Social Care, called the review “crucially important” for the council, which included supporting vulnerable people as its priority.

He said: “The budget for people with learning disabilities is difficult and demanding with increasing numbers of people with learning disabilities among the population and the complexity of their needs.”

An initial report, presented to Cabinet who have the go-ahead for the review, shows that council officers and NHS staff will engage with service users and their carers as part of the review.

As there are clear links between adult services and those for disabled children and young people, the review will also include consultation with children’s services.

Clr Janet Battye, deputy leader of the council, added: “It is important that this piece of work includes the service for children and young people because we want to make certain that people with learning disabilities have got care services.”