Norman Lamb to replace Paul Burstow as Care Services Minister
Paul Burstow has lost his position in the government as part Prime Minister’s reshuffle. Mr Burstow announced today he was “sad to be leaving government” and what he described as his “dream job”.
As part of David Cameron’s cabinet shake up, Mr Burstow will be replaced by fellow Liberal Democrat Norman Lamb.
The care services minister said: “Having dedicated most of my political career to improving the health and care of others it has been an absolute privilege to be directly involved in framing a new social care law and working closely with colleagues in the sector to set out a reform agenda in the Care and Support White Paper.”
As he left government he said: “I am confident my successor will now take on the challenge to ensure these reforms improve the lives of people in receipt of care up and down the country.”
Mr Burstow also paid tribute to “those professionals across the care sector who dedicate their lives to caring for others.”