Housing provider launches charity to support homeless people in London

Arlington Futures hopes to open a centre in central London that will provide accommodation for more than 100 homeless people

A new charity that will support homeless people in London has launched today.

Arlington Futures will operate in seven London boroughs including Camden, Hackney and Haringey, and will specialise in providing education, training and creative programmes to homeless people.

The charity has been set up by Arlington, a not-for-profit affordable housing provider owned by the One Housing Group.

Arlington uses the Times Square model pioneered by the organisation Common Ground in New York, US, to tackle homelessness. Under the model, providers offer high-quality accommodation for homeless people, social enterprises, businesses and cost-effective accommodation for young professionals or other low-income workers.

Arlington mainly operates in Camden but the charitable arm hopes to raise funds to open a centre in central London that will provide accommodation and support for more than 100 homeless people.

Kevin Beirne, director of housing, care and support at One Housing Group, said: “This is an excellent step forward for Arlington. Our holistic approach to tackling homelessness makes us different.

“We don’t give a hand out, we give a hand up through our onsite care and support alongside training and employment opportunities to help residents get back on their feet.”

The charity was formerly registered as Community Action with the Charity Commission but changed its name in April.