Trial to access links between stress and dementia
New treatments and preventative therapies could be developed from the findings of a trial which aims to identify whether there is a link between stress and dementia.
Scientists at the University of Southampton will examine 140 people aged 50 and older with pre-dementia and measure how their stress levels and cognitive function fluctuate over an 18-month period.
Professor Clive Holmes will lead the research and he explained that the study will hopefully increase understanding of how stress response affects the brain and the pathways involved in the progression from mild cognitive decline to dementia.
“It will also be valuable to understand how different ways of coping with stressful life events could influence the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease,” said Alzheimer’s Society research manager Anne Corbett.
According to the charity, dementia currently affects 800,000 people in the UK and the number of sufferers will increase to one million by 2021.