Department for Education launches consultation on its revised version of Working Together
The College of Social Work is urging social workers to take part in the Department for Education’s consultation on its safeguarding guidance Working Together, which launched Today (Tuesday 12 June).
The government has published for consultation the long-expected scaled-down version of its safeguarding guidance at the same time as launching consultations on two other new documents, one outlining guidance for assessing children in need and the other guidance for serious case reviews.
The consultation period for all three documents ends on September 4, 2012 and responses can be submitted online.
Commenting on the launch of the Working Together consultation Professor Corinne May-Chahal, Co-Chair of The College of Social Work said:
“This is a long-awaited consultation for the social work profession and for the agencies that they work with. The College has been closely involved with commenting on revisions to the Working Together document as it has been developed.
“We welcome the fact that this has now been released for consultation and we will be urging our members to respond.
“It is crucial that all social workers and other professionals involved with safeguarding children take part in this and make their views known.”
The Working Together consultation can be accessed through the Department for Education website.