Cornwall Council concerned by level of care home inspection
CORNWALL COUNCIL has raised concerns about the number of inspectors checking care homes and hospitals in the county.
The health and adults overview and scrutiny committee was told that between April last year and March the Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out 228 reviews in Cornwall.
There are 530 services, including care homes, NHS hospitals and dentists. Eight of those inspected received warning notices, three of which are subject to enforcement action.
Under NHS reforms the CQC will focus on its core task ensuring providers of health and social care meet essential standards. It is taking on 300 additional inspectors, three based in Cornwall.
The committee was told dental surgeries would be inspected every two years and care homes, domiciliary care agencies and hospitals would receive annual unannounced inspections.
Inspections would also take place where concerns have been raised.
Members were concerned by the number of staff saying it was “not proportionate” to the county’s growing elderly population.
In response, CQC officials said 12 inspectors would be based across Cornwall.
Members agreed to write to the CQC outlining their concerns about its number of inspectors and called for six-monthly reports on its number of inspections carried out in Cornwall.