Network to protect vulnerable adults reaches 200 members in four weeks

A leading charity that campaigns against the abuse of vulnerable adults has revealed that 200 practitioners have joined a new support network that was only established four weeks ago.

Action on Elder Abuse aims to prevent the abuse of vulnerable older people by raising awareness of issues, encouraging education and by giving information and support to those in need.

In this context, practitioners are defined as anyone who has a ‘safeguarding’ role, including police, solicitors, health, local authority staff, Third Sector, and care providers.

The Practitioner’s Support Network is hosted by AEA and is coordinated by Dr John Beer, former Director of Adult Social Services at Southampton and current chair of the charity. He said, “I am very pleased to be able to facilitate this new network.

“With rising demand and expectations, and reduced funding, adult safeguarding can be a demanding job. I hope this network will help members to help themselves and their colleagues by building skills and confidence, and by providing peer group support to each other.

“We can all learn together and advise legislators, employers and regulators on how they can work with us to reduce and prevent adult abuse. And with the imminent publication of a White Paper and a Draft Bill it is even more important that the voices of safeguarding practitioners can be heard.”

The support network will enable the sharing of information and experiences to better inform and develop safeguarding policies, procedures and practice.

It will help to share examples of good practice and the views and experiences of those working or volunteering with vulnerable adults.

No membership costs are associated with the network, and people can join by either downloading the application form available on the AEA website, or by completing the online form.