Staffordshire pair win award for supporting care home patients

TWO mental health trust staff have scooped an award for supporting patients in North Staffordshire nursing homes.

Linda Simcock and David Jefferson, the care home liaison team at Combined Healthcare, picked up the Partnership Award at the trust’s annual prize-giving evening at the Moat House in Etruria.

They provide backing and education on caring for people with mental health needs in 112 homes.

The award’s citation reads: “By working closely with care homes and social services, they have greatly reduced the number of admissions to acute hospital beds. This has resulted in significant cost savings for the trust and social services alike.”

Hospital admissions from the homes have plunged from 66 in the six months leading up to the service being launched, to 34 in the last three years.

Presenting the award, Combined chairman Ken Jarrold said: “The quality of people’s experience of our services is dependent on their contact with individuals such as Linda and David.”