Key to names in Klonowski social services abuse inquiry published
A “key” to unlocking names withheld in the Anna Klonowski social services investigation has been published by Wirral Council.
The move was agreed when council leader Cllr Jeff Green moved to have the document taken out of “exempt” information and placed in the public domain.
The key – which discloses a large number of council employees and care-providing organisations named within the report, can be found at the link below.
The Klonowski inquiry has sent shock waves throughout the local authority with its revelations about physical and financial abuse of vulnerable adults within the care of Wirral social services.
Councillor Green commissioned the £250,000 investigation following whistle-blower Martin Morton’s claims of systematic abuse and cover-ups.
Mr Martin’s exposure of wrong-doing was first published by the Wirral Globe in 2008.
There has been criticism from several quarters that unless the names of those involved in the Klonowski review were made public, there was still the suspicion of a council cover-up.
Councillor Green told the Globe he was puzzled as to why the key to unlocking those some of those names had not yet found its way into the public’s knowledge, even though it was agreed to do so by full council on February 20.
The foreword to the document has Cllr Green paying tribute to Mr Morton for his courage in blowing the whistle.
He comments he had requested the head of Human Resources to produce a report into the circumstances in which two senior officers “mentioned” in the Klonowski report were allowed to leave the employment of the council with severance pay – less than a day before the final report was received.
He also is seeking information as to why no disciplinary action had been taken in this matter.
To view the key you can either click on the link below or put this address in your browser:,%2020th-Feb-2012%2019.00,%20Council.pdf?T=9