Care watchdog investigates Berkshire homes

The care watchdog has taken action to protect people with learning disabilities in two homes just outside Reading.

The Care Quality Commission has told Atlas Project Team it has “serious concerns” about the way it runs 14 homes in the South East including Chacedene in Bradfield Southend and Orchard House in Ryeish Green.

CQC inspected the 14 homes following safeguarding concerns raised at the Veilstone care home near Bideford.

CQC inspectors said of Chacedene: “The numbers of staff on duty were not sufficient to safely meet the needs of people living in the home when a person presented challenging behaviour.

“Health and social care professionals’ opinions on staffing levels had not been taken seriously by the home.

“This placed people at risk.”

At Orchard House, CQC inspectors found: “Altlas has failed to ensure that people were protected against the risk of receiving care or treatment that was inappropriate. “They had failed to carry out an assessment of needs and had not planned or delivered care that met people’s needs or ensured their welfare or safety.”

Ian Biggs of CQC in the south said: “It is quite clear that the services run by Atlas Project Team Limited have been stuck in the past.

“The vulnerable people they were supposed to be protecting have not been getting the care which they need.

“Our inspections have found that the services have been taking an old- fashioned approach to care, with a strong emphasis on behavioural management and the routine use of physical restraint.

“People’s behaviour appears to have been managed rather than understood. Staff had not always received training about the Mental Capacity Act or deprivation of liberty procedures and no external agencies has been involved in any consideration of liberty deprivations.”

The CQC has been working with councils and the NHS to monitor the homes and to ensure that people living there are not at any immediate risk of harm.

Atlas has responded with the following statement: “In October 2011 Atlas Project Team Ltd notified the police of safeguarding concerns at  Veilstone Care Home in North Devon and has been supportive of the CQC in their unannounced inspections of the our fourteen homes in Berkshire, Hampshire and Devon.

“We acknowledge that the CQC have raised concerns about the standards of care in the homes and identified areas of practice that are not acceptable and that needs to be changed.

“Atlas has appointed Adept Residential Care Ltd as the senior management team of the organisation during the sale process of Atlas to Adept.

“Adept are aware of the continuing safeguarding investigation and will be working closely with all the multiagency partners and the police.

“Adept’s priority is safeguarding, and the wellbeing and quality of life for the residents in the Atlas homes, and they will undertake a review of current practise and implement a programme of change.

“Atlas will be continuing to work closely with Adept, CQC, Devon County Council  and local authorities to bring about these changes to improve the standard of care that are currently offered and restore the confidence of the authorities.”