New group to give Bucks social care users stronger voice
A NEW organisation aims to give residents requiring adult social care a stronger voice and a greater choice of services.
Changes to the system by the Department of Health mean there is now more flexibility and personal choice about receiving social care.
Alison Lewis, from Marlow, who has been involved with various committees and campaigns linked to the subject, is heading the Buckinghamshire User Led Organisation, in connection with Bucks County Council.
Ms Lewis, also Chairman of disability action group Wycombe Area Access for All, said it is about trying to make more service users and carers aware of the options now available.
She said: “Social care used to be provided one way and the Department of Health said we want individual budgets, so that became self directed support.
“The assessment now is more self directed.
“You get a value on your package of care, and the choice of who provides it.”
Buckinghamshire County Council can still provide the care or the individual can opt to take a direct payment and arrange their own support via an agency of their choosing.
Ms Lewis said: “It’s very much about developing a stronger carer/service user voice in Buckinghamshire. It’s very positive.
“It’s to make more people aware of the fact that the choices are there.
“Also, we are looking for like minded people who have an interest in helping to shape service development for the future.”
She said it is about strengthening the social care network which includes groups like Age Concern, not replacing it.
The Bucks ULO, which will soon have charitable status, wants to recruit more volunteers interested in helping to shape it and to aid the work it does.
This may include sitting in on focus groups, forums and panels and discussing the services with council officials.
Support and training will be provided for anyone who wants to become involved.
Workshops and information days around the county will take place through the year.