Care firm partners with West Cheshire College to provide apprenticeships

CLS care services has embarked on developing the skills of young people in the care sector through the launch of three pilot apprenticeships in Health and Social Care with West Cheshire College. As we approach an ageing population and subsequent strains on care facilities, the need for the best possible delivery of care services has become more important than ever.

CLS sees apprenticeships as a route to harness new talent, and provide a skilled and trained workforce for the future. As part of its work with West Cheshire College, student, Jacob Wilderspin, is currently working on a 12-month placement at CLS care home Wealstone in Upton, and students Katey Eaton and Zoe Davies are currently in the middle of their 12-month placements at The Elms in Crewe.

The students have received mandatory training and they are currently working as extra members of staff. Their time at the homes is allowing them to experience several roles in a care home, by shadowing different members of staff as they undertake their day-to-day duties. Each apprentice also works closely with their individual CLS mentor, who has been assigned to support them in their development.

By the end of the year-long placements, the apprentices will have completed the Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care.

CLS’ Managing Director, Robert Black, comments: “It is important to encourage the younger generation to take up jobs in the care sector. Offering vocational training, such as the apprenticeships, will ensure that the workforce of the future has the practical skills and qualifications needed to work competently in the care industry. Moreover, the support, guidance and expertise they are gaining from CLS staff during their time working at the homes will prepare them for their future careers.”

Beverly Aiston, Assistant Manager for Work-Based Learning Care & Children’s Services at West Cheshire College, said: “We are delighted to be working with CLS on delivering this new apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are a fantastic way for young people to gain invaluable skills in the workplace as well as qualifications that will be essential for their future careers.”

As well as supporting this new apprenticeship, West Cheshire College has enrolled over forty members of staff from CLS on various courses, including health and social care, cleaning, business administration and management.

CLS Care Services are keen to recruit more Apprentices, these are advertised on or call West Cheshire College on 01244 656 555 or CLS Care Services on 0800 854126 for more information.