Families with disabled children ‘isolated’ from society

Three-quarters of families with disabled children suffer from mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and breakdown, according to new research.

The charity Contact A Family surveyed 1,100 families with disabled children and found that 65 per cent of them felt isolated some or all of the time.

The charity is calling on local authorities to provide sufficient early intervention services through children’s centres, key workers, support groups and short breaks.

More than half of families questioned for the Forgotten Families report said that their isolation was due to a lack of support from statutory services such as social services and the education system.

Half of families said that these feelings of isolation were caused by discrimination or stigma that they have experienced.

Fifty-seven per cent said that they were not able to work as much as they wanted to.

Srabani Sen, chief executive of Contact a Family, said, ‘Isolation is having a devastating impact on the health and well being of some of society’s most vulnerable families.

‘We are extremely concerned that this is going to get worse in the current economic climate because of a lethal combination of cuts to statutory and voluntary services as well as a reduction in families’ income due to welfare reforms.

‘Families are fearful about this situation, which will lead to further stress, isolation and poor mental health.

‘Effective early intervention services and financial help allow families with disabled children to take control of their lives, hold down a job, be more involved in their community and feel less isolated. They also ensure that disabled children can participate fully in society and enjoy fun social opportunities.’

Lorraine Hockey, who has an 18-year-old daughter Kassie who has Rett Syndrome, said, ‘We spend most of our spare time, in fact virtually all of it looking after our daughter.

‘We rarely get a night out. Caring has impacted heavily on our daily lives and our work. We are self employed and when Kassie is unwell there is simply no option but for us to care for her leaving our business closed.

‘It is difficult finding the time to be with family and friends because we are often tired and stressed due to having so many disturbed nights of sleep and suitable childcare is extremely difficult to find. Kassie is a beautiful amazing young lady, she is worth every second of all of it, but we do need some proper support.’

Strictly Come Dancing star Alesha Dixon is supporting Contact a Family.

She said, ‘My younger brother has cerebral palsy so I understand how easy it can be for close family members of a disabled child to feel isolated and alone – not because there aren’t enough people around, but because no one you know can relate to your experience.’