Dilnot care proposals to be kicked into long grass, say experts
Long-term care experts close to the government have warned it is to shelve the Dilnot Commission’s proposals for reform of elderly care.
Independent pension expert Ros Altmann and Chris Horlick, Partnership managing director of care, have warned that the Commission’s proposals will not form part of a Department of Heath white paper, as had been expected. ‘It looks like Dilnot is heading for the long grass,’ said Altmann. ‘It is something that’s very disappointing because the industry is so much behind the proposals… we need them because care is in crisis.’
Horlick said the white paper would instead focus on proposals made by the Law Commission to simplify care legislation. ‘The white paper will be more of a progress report on its vision for care and social reform in 2012 and the implication is that Dilnot will not form a core part,’ he said. ‘There’s huge public will to reform social care funding but my take is it will be the framework of the Law Commission [proposals].’
Altmann and Horlick have both been consulted by the government over the proposals as members of a long-term care working group.