Domestic violence among middle classes grows

Middle-class women are increasingly falling victim to domestic abuse as economic strains bring violence into professional households, experts have warned.
More professional women are coming under attack physically and emotionally because of the financial downturn, it is claimed.
Vivien Blackledge, project manager at the new Domestic Abuse Service, in Blackburn, Lancashire, said money problems are the chief reason for the increase in the rise in middle-class victims.
She said: “In the first quarter of the year we’ve noticed victims coming to us, not necessarily just over violence, but emotional abuse and even financial abuse.
“Certainly the impact of the recession has lead to a rise in domestic abuse incidents and research shows that can be anything from child abuse to bullying.
“Professional women are going to hospital with broken arms for example, but not accessing the support services. They only do so only at a time when it is high risk.”
The Domestic Abuse Service will give every victim a personal support worker.
Ms Blackledge said that experience, research and intelligence from partner agencies shows a ‘significant rise’ in professional women in the area contacting them over domestic abuse issues.
She said: “We’ve been looking at anecdotal evidence which shows a big discrepancy between the numbers in A&E and the numbers we get.
“What we are trying to do with this pilot is make sure all victims of domestic abuse know they can access support as and when they need it.
“There is a rising trend nationally in relation to domestic abuse murders, in that victims are now coming from a group of professional, middle-class people in employment where previously it was those in deprived areas with long histories of domestic violence.
“And significantly in East Lancashire there tends to be three times the national average of male victims. The perception is there’s not the same services for men. But – apart from the women only Refuge centre – we will support any victim.”
Staff levels have been trebelled to meet the increasing demand after it was discovered there has been a rising trend in middle class professional women in Blackburn and Darwen falling victim to violence in the home.
Experts said the 365-day-a-year Domestic Abuse Service could save £10.5million a year in costs to frontline services such as health, hospitals, police, courts, social services and benefits.
Seven specialist social workers will be put in place – compared to just three that currently work across the whole county.
Under the project domestic violence victims can receive security within their homes, emotional support for themselves and their families, court action and emergency housing help.
The Wish Centre in King Street, which was under threat as vital funding streams were cut, will be the focal point for the six month pilot being launched in November.
The service will train up seven ‘independent domestic abuse advocates’ and will utilise a team of volunteers and paid professionals. Partner agencies who have all put in funding will be educated on how to respond to different domestic abuse situations appropriately.
Most areas provide specialist support for the five per cent ‘highest risk’ victims who contact police. Because of the cost of intensive one-to-one support, many victims don’t receive the long-term holistic help they need to break the cycle.
Lancashire Police respond to more than 3,000 domestic abuse incidents a year – 10 a day – and the Wish centre’s helpline received 5,500 calls in 12 months.
Coun Pat McFall, chair of Blackburn with Darwen’s Strategic Domestic Abuse Group urged victims to end their silence and make use of the new service.
She said: “This new and pioneering approach in Blackburn with Darwen means victims will just have to call one number and they’ll be able to get all the help they need any day of the week.
“Domestic abuse doesn’t always involve violence – it can be anything from controlling behaviour to verbal abuse. ”