Nottinghamshire County Council daycare centres to shut
Ten daycare centres in Nottinghamshire are set to close under proposals being considered by councillors.
Thirteen multi-purpose centres will open instead to cater for the elderly and those with physical and learning disabilities.
The authority said the move will save £5m per year in what is seen as the biggest shake up of daycare services in the county in recent times.
The Tory-controlled council currently spends £22m each year on day services.
It is faced with having to make total budget cuts of £187m over the next four years.
‘New era’
The new multi-purpose centres will be based at 13 buildings across the county with £4m being spent to improve the facilities.
Councillor Kevin Rostance, cabinet member for adult social care and health, said: “The day services will be open 50 weeks a year and we’ll make sure that those who need help to get to their nearest centre do not incur any additional transport charges.
“Although services will be provided in fewer buildings we believe that both the services and the buildings will be better.
“We’re entering a new era in social care where increasing demand and limited resources will mean that all councils have to do what they can to support more people to live independently, increasingly using personal budgets to give people the opportunity to control their own care.”
The proposals will be discussed at a full council meeting on 30 June.