Southern Cross landlords approve care home rescue plan
Landlords to Southern Cross Healthcare, the beleaguered care home group, have approved an emergency rescue plan for their properties that could lead to the end of the company in its current form and no closure of homes until October.
The draft proposals will now be tabled to Southern Cross management, the Government and banks at a key meeting on Wednesday.
It is understood the proposals involve landlords who are also care home operators – including leading landlords Four Seasons and Bondcare – taking control of their homes while other property owners are given the option to find a new operator or stay with a “son of Southern Cross”.
The landlords are proposing a “transition period” from July to October when no homes will close and property owners will decide whether to stay with Southern Cross.
The proposals include an overhaul of management at the reworked company, which could be less than half the size of the existing Southern Cross and operate under a different name.
Daniel Smith of Grant Thornton, chairman of the landlords’ committee, said property owners have “agreed in principle that they will make significant financial concessions in order to achieve a sustainable solution”, which is understood to refer to short-term rent cuts and longer-term lease changes with Southern Cross or new operators.
“A meeting of the Southern Cross landlords today approved a draft outline proposal for the speedy resolution of the current situation. This proposal will now be put to the Government, Southern Cross and Southern Cross’s main lenders for their consideration,” he said in a statement. “Our overriding concern at this time remains minimising disruption and concern for residents and their families.”
The proposals from landlords avoid Southern Cross going into insolvency proceedings but require backing from the company and other creditors.
Southern Cross is Britain’s largest care home operator with 750 homes, 31,000 residents and 44,000 staff. It is on the brink of collapse because a slower-than-expected rise in care fees from local authorities means it can no longer afford a £250m rent bill.
Jamie Buchan, chief executive, has asked landlords to cut rents by 30pc over summer and Southern Cross has drawn up its own turnaround plan involving the surrender of 132 homes. Privately, however, Southern Cross accepts it could lose more homes and must secure a compromise deal with landlords, the company’s largest creditor.