Buckinghamshire faces ‘dementia crisis’, says county hall
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE is faced with a ‘dementia crisis’, say county hall bosses – with the number of cases expected to rise by 50 per cent by 2025.
There are currently about 6,000 cases of dementia in the county and it is predicted this will rise to 9,000 over the next 14 years, putting severe pressure on health and social care resources.
Buckinghamshire County Council has carried out a review of dementia services, with a report by its Public Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee identifying significant benefits in diagnosing dementia early on.
Recommendations include: “Giving the person with dementia a chance to come to terms with their illness, an understanding of what they are going through, a chance to plan effectively for their future and an opportunity to take advantage of anti-dementia medication, plus access to better care and support.”
Councillors also called a community-based service to provide information, advice and guidance. The report and recommendations will be now be presented to NHS Health Boards.
Margaret Aston, chairman of the dementia task group said: “Investing sensibly in dementia now will not only improve people’s lives, but could also save us money in the future.
“This review fully recognises the dementia crisis facing us today and signals that it must be made a priority. We now need to put these plans into action.”