3/4 of female mental health inpatients are on mixed-sex wards

Three-quarters of women on mental health wards have to share them with men, according to an official report.

The Care and Quality Commission, which regulates health and adult social care in England, found that 77 per cent of women “were not in a ward designated for single sex use” in 2010.

In addition, 16 per cent of women did not have access to toilet and bathing facilities solely for females, according to the report, Count Me In 2010.

The corresponding figures for male inpatients were 61 and 13 per cent.

It has been government policy since 2005 to house mental health inpatients in single-sex accommodation.

The Mental Health Foundation, a charity, described the situation as “shameful”.

Dr Andrew McCulloch, its chief executive, said: “Sleeping vulnerable women in the same stressful confines as men with severe mental health problems seems self-evidently unsuitable for all concerned, yet this is exactly what we are currently doing with nearly four-fifths of female mental health inpatients. It really is shameful.”

However, Paul Burstow, the Care Services Minister, emphasised that same-sex accommodation could be provided in mixed-sex wards if individuals had their own bedrooms.

He said: “There is no requirement for mental health hospitals to provide single-sex wards. What matters is that privacy and dignity are protected, and to ensure this we have a policy of single-sex accommodation.

“This means that patients must only share sleeping accommodation with members of the same sex, and that designated single-sex toilet and bathroom facilitates are available. The policy also includes the provision of women-only day spaces in mental health units.”