Pilot scheme demonstrates social care links ‘cut costs’
Closer working between the NHS and social care can result in cost savings, a pilot scheme has discovered.
The trial project in Sutton, south London, corralled GPs in the area as well as the primary care trust and local authority.
The six-month initiative looked at treatment of 25,000 patients with heart failure or chronic pulmonary conditions, and found that hospital admissions had been reduced by a substantial level.
The savings equated to £250,000 if the benefits were spread out to other practices in the area, the council said.
Sutton Council’s adult social services and health executive Colin Stears said: “We believe that the benefits of this pilot are so compelling it has the potential to become a national template. But on top of that, it made a real difference to the everyday lives of many patients. They were able to enjoy the security and independence of receiving treatment in their own homes.”