York Council defends privatising care service for the elderly

THE leader of York Council has defended controversial plans to privatise part of its social care network for elderly residents as the only way forward, ahead of the proposals being rubber-stamped next week.

But he admits some redundancies as part of the move, may be inevitable.

York Council’s executive is set to push ahead with the plans to outsource its reablement service, which helps residents reduce their dependency on long-term home care by learning and regaining skills.

The authority has said the move is aimed at saving £696,000 in its first year and £1.25m a year afterwards and would allow the service to be enhanced to meet the rocketing elderly population while avoiding extra costs for taxpayers.

But the plans have sparked criticism from unions and opposition councillors who claim they are being rushed through and could severely affect the continuity of care, seen as vital for elderly people often already disorientated with their surroundings.

The move had already been agreed by the executive in December but the decision was “called in” by opposition councillors for further scrutiny.

Now Coun Andrew Waller, leader of York Council, says after detailed consideration, the changes are the best way to provide a good service while helping balance the cash-strapped local authority’s books.

“We have demonstrated that we have not rushed into this”, he said.

“There may be redundancies, but we will do as much as we can for the existing staff for them to remain in the same or similar job.

“We have taken our time to assess the options and how we can drive down our costs.

“The fundamentals are we have an ageing population and demand is only going to go up.”

A report by director of adult services Pete Dwyer recommending the plans for approval is going before the executive on March 15,.

Coun James Alexander, leader of York Council’s Labour group, said: “This is putting profit before people.

“There has been a severe lack of consultation with those who rely on this service and those providing it.

“I fear this move will decrease quality to simply hit budget targets.”