60 Calderdale carers for the old folk could be lost
OLDER people with savings will be hit hardest by changes to the social care budget, which could also lead to the loss of more than 60 full and part time jobs.
Anyone with more than £23,250 in the bank is facing higher charges for help and care at home. The move would save the council £500,000 a year.
Twenty-four jobs are on the line, saving £300,000, as a result of planned changes to the reablement service which aims to reduce dependency on home care.
Hundreds of thousand could be saved by changes to contracts with care providers, changes to administration, management structures, training and other efficiencies.
A comprehensive review of day care and vocational support services is planned.
To cope with the increasing number of older and vulnerable people in Calderdale, the council proposes to set aside an extra £250,000 a year.
The overall changes to the social care budget could save more than £10 million over the next three years.