Shaping public spending priorities for adult social care

Ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review, JRF commissioned Ipsos MORI to look into the views and perceptions of local authorities and service user/carer organisations as they prepare for the challenges they now face.

This new Findings summarises local authority decision makers’ and service users’ perceptions of these issues in relation to local authority spending on adult social care, and the role of service users and carers in shaping services and informing decisions. The research found that:

    * local authorities and service user/carer organisations are acutely aware that budget cuts will bring about radical changes for the sector, and many are beginning to think about the implications and plan for decisions ahead;
    * while all organisations share similar difficulties in terms of balancing budgets, individual perceptions of and responses to these pressures vary a great deal. Some are talking about taking positive steps in a proactive fashion, while others feel unable to plan ahead until there is greater clarity on the scale of cuts and on wider policy developments (such as GP consortia).


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