New Leeds children’s care chief appointed
A new director has taken over the running of Leeds City Council’s children’s services department.
Nigel Richardson takes over the helm following a successful spell as director of children and young people’s services in Hull.
Leeds children’s services were last year heavily criticised by independent inspectors and the Government imposed an improvement board to oversee changes.
Mr Richardson’s career has included an 18-month spell working with Lord Laming on the Victoria Climbie inquiry, and plans to bring many of the lessons learned to his new role in Leeds.
He said: “The chance to try and improve, and have a positive influence on, the lives of 180,000 children and young people is just too good an opportunity to ignore.
“I feel very privileged to help lead the city in a new and exciting era. It’s my passionate belief that if you get the services right for children in a city like Leeds then everything else will follow.
“If you get it right for children, then you get it right for everyone else.
“There are some brilliant people in Leeds doing extraordinary things day-in day-out that improve the lives of children. Part of my job is to remind people of the great things they are doing and to support the spreading of that good practice across the city.”
Mr Richardson’s career in local government began over 20 years ago, working with young offenders he and had extensive experience in social care, managing fieldwork and residential homes before moving up to director roles.
He takes over from Eleanor Brazil, who has been working as interim director since March this year.
Coun Judith Blake, executive member responsible for children’s services, said: “This is a new and exciting time for children’s services in Leeds and Nigel has some great ideas.”