New research highlights child protection needs of older children
A new approach to child protection for older children is urgently needed in order to ensure their safeguarding, according to a three year study, published by The Children’s Society, the NSPCC and the University of York and funded by the Big Lottery.
Safeguarding Young People found that the needs of 11-17 year olds were not always met by child protection processes which are more geared to protecting younger children. The study found that a lack of resources in Children’s Social Care Services can negatively affect older children, whereas younger children in similar circumstances may be prioritised.
The study concluded that policymakers should consider a review of current alternative approaches to determine what works best for young people and attempt to bring more consistency to service provision.
The project linked a comprehensive international literature review, an analysis of policy and guidance about safeguarding, a survey of 160 professionals in Children’s Social Care Services and potential referring agencies in 12 areas and a study of the practice in four areas, including interviews with 24 young people and 56 professionals.
One key issue highlighted by the study was that young people found a huge difficulty in disclosing maltreatment. Not only do they struggle to strike up trusting relationships with a consistent professional (social workers are often overworked and a young person’s social worker can often change), but even when they have this relationship they are acutely aware of the potential ramifications for themselves and their family of disclosing abuse. Additionally, young people did not always have sufficient knowledge or information on how best to make the disclosure. The research highlights a lack of services for young people over 14 which may deter professionals (such as teachers and police) from making referrals.
The study also highlighted a problem with some professionals’ perceptions of the abilities of older children. It found that 11-17 year olds were often seen as more competent to deal with maltreatment than younger children, including being able to escape abusive situations and seek help, as well as being perceived by some professionals as more ‘resilient’ – i.e. more able to cope with experiences of maltreatment.
The research made a number of other recommendations including:
* More service provision for young people, particularly in the 14–17 age group that can engage them and meet their needs.
* Peers and schools are an important source of support to young people. Models such as safeguarding forums in schools, or the use of safeguarding mentors in secondary schools, may help young people to identify who to speak to and support them to disclose abuse. These could work alongside the child protection leads in schools and feed their views into Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
* A young person’s guide on “what to do if a friend is being abused” should be developed to support young people in advising their friends and to provide information about how young people can access help.
* Most of the young people interviewed for the study were confused about what had happened to them at different stages of the safeguarding process and why and what different professionals’ roles are. Simple and clear information about the process needs to be made available to young people who come into contact with Children’s Social Care Services.