Directors brief MP’s on prorities for social services
Social Services directors are warning they will speak out strongly on behalf of people who need care if spending cuts prevent them getting support. The warning comes in a letter to the Care Minister sent at the same time as a briefing paper to all MPs and 400 peers setting out what the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services see as their four key priorities.
The briefing document, ’Fit for the Future: Policy, Purpose and Progress in Adult Social Care’, is released today at what the ADASS calls ’a critical time given the future funding of public services and for adult social care services in particular. In his letter to the Minister, ADASS President Richard Jones says adult social services departments will make great strides to achieve efficiencies but says these are unlikely to deliver the level of savings that will be required.
“ADASS will speak out strongly on behalf of citizens who need care and support if budget allocations prevent vulnerable people from getting the support they need.” Mr. Jones says. In an introduction to the briefing he sets out the priorities which the Association hopes Government and Parliamentarians will address urgently.
These are building personalised services into the mainstream of the way the whole public sector does its work; focusing on prevention so that promoting the wellbeing of individuals and those who care for them can reduce the demand for health and social care services; ensuring that outcomes are owned by communities and citizens and developing a new settlement for the future funding of care and support to deliver the capacity that is urgently needed.