New payment package to attract foster carers in Northumberland

A NEW payment package is being offered by Northumberland County Council with the aim of attracting new foster carers.

The council is hoping to raise awareness of the recent introduction of a weekly fee, in addition to allowances paid to cover the cost of caring for a child, as part of the national Foster Care Fortnight campaign, which runs from May 17 to 30.

It is hoped that the new payment arrangements will make foster care a more viable option and provide a pool of foster carers within each area of the county to allow close work with the social work teams.

“In today’s society many households rely on two incomes, reducing the pool of those able to look after children on a voluntary basis,” said director of children’s services Paul Moffat.

“At the same time, the needs of many of the children who come into foster care have increased dramatically, requiring a more skilled approach from those who look after them.

“We are thrilled to be offering our foster carers a regular weekly fee, firstly to retain those foster carers that were reluctantly leaving foster care for paid employment and secondly, to attract new carers to join the team.

“Once a volunteer role, foster carers now offer a highly trained service to our community’s most vulnerable children and young people.”

Foster carers receive a weekly fee when they have a child living with them, in addition to the various fostering allowances applicable to that child’s needs.

Foster care team manager Anne Fimister said: “The stability of a regular payment, rather than having periods of no income at all appeals to most people.

“Our new scheme works out at between £455 to £2,000 per month, plus an allowance per child, which is £540 to £930.

“The actual amount will depend upon experience, skills and the type of fostering resource that a household is able to offer.”

For an information pack or informal chat to find out more, call (01670) 534 450, e-mail [email protected] or visit