DVD helps Deafblind people navigate direct payments
A film to help those deafblind users of British Sign Language (BSL) navigate their way through the direct payments system has been launched this week.
Created by national charity Sense, the film will support deafblind BSL users such as people with Usher syndrome, a condition in which people are classified as deafblind, but are not always completely blind as they lose their sight gradually over time.
Simon Shaw, direct payments project co-ordinator at Sense, said: “Direct payments only work well if you have access to the right information at the right time.
“As with any new development in adult social care, it can be complicated getting it right as a service user.
“The DVD is conversational in style and focuses on tips on how to access direct payments, individuals’ rights surrounding direct payments and buying services including employing people.”
Although it won’t be helpful for deafblind people who have no sight, or for those who do not use BSL, it may be helpful for carers who use BSL.
It can be viewed online or people can order a hard copy from the charity free of charge.
To view the film visit www.sense.org.uk/directpayments or order a hard copy from the Sense Information Service calling 0845 127 0060, texting 0845 127 0062 or emailing [email protected].
Sense is a national charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind. It provides expert advice and information as well as specialist services to deafblind people, their families, carers and the professionals who work with them.
The charity also supports people who have sensory impairments with additional disabilities. For more information visit www.sense.org.uk.