Ed Balls: Parents of disabled children to have stronger, more coherent voice

Speaking at today’s Aiming High for Disabled Children Conference on Parent Participation Transforming Disabled Children’s Services, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Ed Balls announced the launch of a National Parent Forum Network, which will ensure that parent forums have a stronger, more coherent voice.

He stated: “I want every disabled child to fulfil their potential and enjoy their life to the full. We need the expertise of parents to make this happen. Parents have always been at the heart of the Aiming High for Disabled Children programme as their involvement is essential to developing the right kind of services.

“That’s why I am so pleased with the growth of parent forums which are allowing parents to have a real impact in shaping services for the better.

“I am confident this network of parent representatives will provide one coherent voice to raise the profile of parent participation and provide more opportunities to share knowledge and good practice.

“It’s clear to me that local areas need to use parents as allies for change locally and work in genuine partnership together to ensure continuing focus on disabled children. I’m committed to supporting parent participation in 2010-11, with over £2 million of grants and adviser support available in the coming year.”