Childcare helps identify vulnerable children’s needs
High-quality childcare helps identify the needs of vulnerable children early on, according to a new report. Ofsted inspectors visited 25 childminders, nurseries and day care centres in England previously judged good or outstanding for the study.
They examined how they worked with children with disabilities, speech problems and serious illnesses.
The report found regular observation and “close collaboration with families” contributed to high-quality care.
Best start
Ofsted chief inspector Christine Gilbert said: “The best childcare makes a big difference for children in need.
“They have a brighter future when their needs are identified at an early age and information from parents and others such as those in health, education and social care services is drawn together to ensure support is delivered in the best possible way.”
She said the best childcarers were giving children a “vital step-up in life”.
“It is important other childcarers learn from these examples of best practice.”
The report recommends all childcare providers consider how well they support children identified as being “in need”.
The findings have been welcomed by Jane Haywood, chief executive of the Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC).
She said: “It is no surprise that the qualifications and experience of early years staff are the cornerstone of effective support for vulnerable children.”
She said their training programmes have a strong focus on working with parents.
Children in need refers to those children and young people who need support to promote their development.
The reasons for this support vary but may include speech and language difficulties, behavioural difficulties, sight and hearing problems, Down’s Syndrome and complex medical conditions such as epilepsy.
It also includes children in foster care, waiting for adoption, being protected by child protection plans or from families needing support to stop family breakdown.