BASW seeks to form breakaway college of social work

The British Association of Social Workers (BASW) is calling on its members to form a breakaway college of social work after rejecting proposals set out by the Social Work Taskforce.

Urging its 12,500 members to back the plan, BASW assured social workers that it is in the right position to form a college that is independent of government.

Social workers are being asked to vote for the BASW-led college in a referendum launched today and ending at the end of next month.

Fran Fuller, acting chair of the association, said: “It is imperative that a college of social work across the UK is independent of government, accountable to social workers, sustainable and committed to the very best social work practice across the UK and the world. We are perfectly placed to make this happen.”

BASW is inviting all organisations that have social workers as members to join it in a partnership and back the proposal.

BASW chief executive Hilton Dawson said: “As a fully democratic organisation accountable to social workers, BASW is offering our experience and our support to enable all UK social workers to benefit from a college of social work across the UK which will be accountable to them.

“We seek no public funding and will accept no government interference.”

Nagalro, the professional body for children’s guardians and independent social workers put its weight behind the plans.

Its chair Ann Haigh said: “Nagalro supports a college of social work across the UK that is independent of government and employers.

“It must be free to speak out on behalf of social workers, to articulate social work values, engage in policy debate with government on behalf of practitioners and promote the highest standards of professional practice.”