Isle of Wight care group’s value attacked
AN organisation aimed at improving health and social care services has come under fire for failing to engage with Islanders.
The Isle of Wight Local Involvement Network (LINk), which monitors healthcare services and gathers views of the public, has been accused of failing to make an impact by Labour councillor Geoff Lumley — a LINk member himself.
Speaking at a meeting of the Isle of Wight Council’s adult social care, health and housing scrutiny panel, Cllr Lumley said: “The LINk has not exactly covered itself in glory to date.
“You only have 348 members, which is not very good when you consider the population of the Island, and I wonder how successful this body has been at engaging with the Isle of Wight.
“I do not say this with any malice because I want this to work as much as anyone but I’m struggling to see what the LINk has actually done.”
Ian Vale, LINk development officer at host organisation Health and Care, admitted it had been a struggle to engage with the community but pointed out the LINk had looked at more than 45 issues, including disabled car parking and patient choice, over the past year.