Former Birmingham social worker Verona Reeves is struck off
A BIRMINGHAM social worker accused of threatening her landlords’ children and covering up theft and fraud convictions has been struck off.
Former Birmingham City Council worker Verona Reeves was said to have told the couple: “I know where you live and where your kids go to school and they better watch out.”
The General Social Care Council accepted the allegation and said such a “grave case” demanded her removal from the professional register.
The body’s conduct committee said Reeves, aged 48, significantly damaged the reputation of social workers by using threatening and abusive behaviour against the couple, identified only as Mr and Mrs B, and failed to inform the GSCC of her criminal record.
She had been convicted at Dudley Magistrates’ Court in December 2006 of one count of theft of a credit card, two of theft from cash machines and four of obtaining property by deception. A further 22 offences were taken into consideration.
She also continued to work for Birmingham City Council until May 2008 despite having her registration suspended for six months in March of that year.
Reeves’s dishonesty was “deliberate, systematic and prolonged”, the committee concluded. It caused harm to others by misrepresentation and fraud.
Although on paper Reeves had indicated some remorse, she disregarded the six-month suspension order demonstrated the need for public protection.
Reeves, who did not attend the hearing, was allowed 28 days to appeal.