West London Alliance collaborates on £220 million Adult Social Care initiative
The West London Alliance (WLA) boroughs, providing services to over 1.4m residents, has agreed to collaborate on the procurement and commissioning of Adult Care Services, which have an estimated value of £220 million per year.
Councillor Jason Stacey, Chair of WLA and Leader of Ealing Council, said: “We believe there is a tremendous opportunity to transform adult social care across the six WLA boroughs, which will improve the quality of service and generate considerable savings through combined commissioning.”
A team is now being established to lead a programme of over 20 individual projects covering all aspects of the service including, residential and domiciliary care, and the developing self directed services agenda.
Gareth Daniel, Chief Executive of Brent Council and sponsor Chief Executive in the WLA for this programme said: “West London boroughs’ has a combined, total, annual spend of around £300m across all adult social care services – in line with the largest authorities in the UK. We believe we should use this market position to good effect when purchasing services for our residents in the future. This collaboration will realise the scale of efficiencies needed to meet the budgetary challenges facing local authorities”.
James Reilly, Director of Community Services at the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Chair of the West London Adult Social Care Directors management board for the Programme said:
“The West London directors responsible for adult social care are determined that we will achieve efficiencies and improvements to our services through our leadership of this collaborative endeavour. We are already receiving feedback from providers in the adult social care market which gives us good reason to be optimistic about the future”.