Local councils ‘failing young people with autism’
Local councils are failing young people with autism by not providing adequate support to help with the transition from school to adult life, leaving many vulnerable and in some cases with mental health problems, a report published today claims.
An inquiry by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism (Appga) concludes that there is a lack of co-operation between the bodies responsible for planning transition arrangements for young people, such as local councils and education authorities. The result is a “nightmare process” that means families and individuals have to deal with multiple agencies, and that no single agency accepts overall responsiblity.
“This inquiry has shown that for many young people with autism, transition is not working,” the committee said. “Many young people with autism often find that planning for their futures does not happen.”
The findings come close on the heels of a National Audit Office report that said many local authorities and NHS trusts were unaware of the numbers of people with autism in their areas, meaning too many people were falling through gaps in the system.
Today’s report concludes that more needs to be done to inform families and young people of services available. It also recommends that professionals involved in helping young people make the transition out of education are better trained to understand the condition.
A spokesman for the National Autistic Society (NAS) said: “The Appga report concludes that for many young people with autism, transition is not working, and that the failure of local authorities and health and education services to provide the right help at a crucial stage in their lives has serious repercussions for individuals, their families, and public expenditure.
He added: “Without effective planning and joint working between children’s and adult social services, on leaving school, many young people with autism find themselves isolated, unable to find employment and entirely dependent on their families for support. As a result, many experience mental health problems.”
The NAS said it was vital for the government to heed the recommendations in today’s report and it should include them in the forthcoming autism strategy.
The report, which follows a consultation with 220 individuals and organisations, recommends that directors of children’s services keep a database of children in their areas with autism. It also calls for local government to ensure that individual needs are properly assessed and suggests that a key worker be appointed to steward young people through the transition process.