Chester care worker accused of murdering pensioner

A CARE assistant murdered a frail dementia patient at a home by setting fire to her bed and leaving her to burn, a court has heard.

Christopher Bowyer, 25, had previously tried to torch the curtains of another patient’s room before he killed Mary Bennett, 79, last August, it was claimed.

After setting light to her quilt, Bowyer stood and watched before fleeing and pretending he had nothing to do with it, it was alleged.

Bowyer – who had worked at Clayton Manor Care Home, in Congleton, for five years – pleads not guilty at Chester Crown Court to murder and arson with intent to endanger life.

Elwen Evans QC, prosecuting, said when Bowyer was arrested, he admitted killing Mrs Bennett and said he had wanted to kill himself, but not die alone.

“Mary Bennett was severely effected with Alzheimer’s and dementia,” said Miss Evans. “She couldn’t move or communicate at all. He went into that room with the express intention of starting a fire.


“He had quite deliberately armed himself with at least one cigarette lighter.

“He held the naked flame to the bed clothes until well alight. The whole time, Mrs Bennett was lying in that burning bed.

“He did nothing whatsoever to try to save her.”

Mrs Bennett was taken to Macclesfield General Hospital and then moved to Wythenshawe Hospital, where she died a week later due to bronchial pneumonia, brought on by smoke inhalation and burns.

Eric Bennett, her husband of more than 50 years, died not long after her.

In the weeks after the arson, Bowyer, of Antrobus Street, Congleton, lied repeatedly, said Miss Evans.

He denied involvement but she said he had earlier tried to set fire to curtains in the room of Eve Bain, 91, and a hallway carpet.

The jury were told that 10 years earlier, Bowyer set fire to his grandmother’s house in Sandbach.

Miss Evans said: “At the time, it was concluded the fire was caused by an electrical fault and the matter was not taken any further.”

But she said Bowyer told police he set fire to a blanket before waking his grandmother and brother and leaving the house.

On September 15, Bowyer was arrested on suspicion of murder.

“He admitted he started the fatal fire,” said Miss Evans, “and also tried to start a fire in Mrs Bain’s room and the corridor.

“He said he was trying to kill himself and that he didn’t want to die alone.”

Bowyer also had another link to the victim. While submitting work for an NVQ qualification in 2007, he used Mrs Bennett as an example – writing that he would `hold her hand’ while taking her to the toilet.