Foster Carers Not Told If Babies Are HIV Positive ‘To Protect The Child’s Human Rights’

Foster carers have been put at risk by not being told that the babies they are looking after could be HIV positive.

Social workers decided that the human rights of a mother wanting to keep her child’s status confidential were more important than protecting foster parents, it is claimed.

In one case a foster mother, with three young children of her own, was given a new-born baby to look after and not told that he could have HIV.

This exposed her, her husband and their children to risk of infection.

Baby J was born last November to a mother known to be HIV positive.

During his birth doctors and nurses wore masks, goggles, boots, protective clothing and double sets of gloves to cut the risk of infection.

His elder brother had already been taken into care, and social services did the same for Baby J when he was a few days old.

Midwife Tricia McDaid, who questioned social workers about the practice when she became aware of the case in Newham, East London, said: ‘This is appalling. Both the babies, the foster carers and their families were put at risk as they were not told.

‘The foster parents were asked to administer anti-viral drugs to combat the baby developing HIV but were not told what they were.’

Mrs McDaid, 47, says that when she raised the issue with social services she was then moved from her job as a midwife in the community.

Although it is highly likely that babies who are born to HIV positive mothers will also be infected, it is not possible to know for sure until they are 18 months old.

So as soon as he was born Baby J was given daily anti-viral drugs to boost his immunity.

But crucially the foster family with whom he was placed were not told they were at risk of catching HIV. One of the three children was just two years old.

Mrs McDaid said: ‘Newham takes the view that the foster parents don’t need to know.

‘This happens all the time and it’s putting foster carers and their children at terrible risk.

‘I was also told by the head of child protection at Newham Hospital that if the foster parents asked me what the drugs were for I would have to lie.

‘In my opinion that is breaking the law and breaking the midwife and nursing code of conduct. It also puts the baby at risk as anyone administering drugs to a young baby needs to know exactly what they are and what dosage it should be.

‘When I raised difficult questions with the council they ostracised me and tried to freeze me out as they didn’t want this getting out.’

Mrs McDaid believes that the council is using Article Eight of the European Convention on Human Rights – the right to respect for one’s private and family life – to protect the mother and child.

She said: ‘Putting the human right of the mother’s confidentiality about her HIV status above the right of the foster carers to know is wrong.

‘It’s playing Russian roulette with people’s lives.’

A Newham council spokesman said: ‘Foster carers would normally be expected to be provided with full information, but we admit that this did not happen in this instance.

‘The circumstances in this case are complex and we acknowledge

that it could have been handled differently.

‘Our procedures and protocols are now subject to revision.

‘We are launching an investigation and we do not know if any other cases have occurred.

‘The pan-London child protection procedures, which we are signed up to, contain guidelines that are primarily aimed at protecting children and ensuring children and their parents who may be HIV positive are not discriminated against.’