Surrey County Council Leader Calls For Fairer Social Care
The leader of Surrey County Council has called for a fairer system of social care entitlement. Councillor Nick Skellett said the present system of charging for social care was unfair because it penalised those who had saved for their old age.
He demanded the Government urgently reviewed the current system after it was revealed families were spending £6bn a year to fund their old age care.
“Social care should be provided on the same footing as health care and we should have a basic free entitlement at the point of delivery for both to address the fundamental problem of the Government’s failing social care system,” he said.
“At a time when we are facing the potentially crippling combination of an aging population and growing need, it is vital that the Government addresses the issue quickly.”
Half of Surrey’s adult population is aged over 50 and there has been a 30 per cent increase in the 85-plus age group since 1991, which is projected to double between 2003 and 2029.
“Over the period of just a few years, older people who have saved responsibly during their careers end up paying double the amount of tax and insurance compared to those who have not.
“Meanwhile those who have earned a similar amount and have not looked to the future pay nothing for the same support and this cannot be right.”