Delivering The Latest Ideas For Children’s And Young People’s Services

Practitioners working in services for children and young people are being equipped with the latest ideas and techniques, thanks to a programme delivered through the University of Chester.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Multi-Professional Leadership has been developed with the Learn Together Partnership, which brings together providers of services for children and young people in Cheshire, Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton, Warrington and Wirral.

Delivered over 12 months, the programme is proving popular, with 18 delegates enrolled this year. It involves practice-based learning that is the first stage of a Masters qualification with the University.

Kay Kent, Executive Education Manager in the Corporate Development Unit of the University’s Business School, explained: “The programme is highly practical and will equip participants with up-to-date ideas and techniques to apply in their day-to-day work.

“Delivered in three modules – leadership in multi-professional learning, client focused leadership, and leadership for service transformation – the programme supports higher level career development, and has been designed to enhance participants’ capability to take operational and strategic leadership in the workplace.”

She continued: “The programme encourages an evidence-based and collaborative learning approach, with a variety of learning methods.

“Programme sessions are divided between workshops delivered by practitioners and University tutors, which are normally held at the University’s Warrington campus. Participants will also partake in practical research and visits to workplaces within a children’s and young people’s learning setting.”

Professor David Cracknell, the lead tutor for the programme and former Director of Education and Community for Cheshire County Council, added: “Senior managers in Education, Health, Social Care and Youth Justice are now expected to deliver massive changes following new requirements to work in integrated patterns across many different agencies and professions.

“The demands on leaders from the Government’s Every Child Matters policies are exciting but challenging. Based on our experience of the first pilot year that has now been successfully completed, this programme offers support with significant benefits for the individuals and their employers.”

For more information about the programme contact Rosamond Peet by emailing [email protected]