Housing Association Care Home Shines In Unannounced Inspection
Housing association care home shines in unannounced inspectionHousing association care home shines in unannounced inspection
A housing association care home for adults with learning disabilities is celebrating being awarded a three stars excellent rating in a recent unannounced inspection.
The Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), an independent governing body, has awarded Sycamore Court, in Leicester, the highest quality rating on a scale from zero to three stars. This means that people who use the home receive excellent service.
The scheme is run by LHA Support Services, part of the LHA-ASRA housing and regeneration group. It provides personal care and support for up to 12 people with learning disabilities, aged 18–65, with private bedrooms and communal rooms.
The CSCI assessed Sycamore Court on a range of areas, including lifestyle, personal and healthcare support and staffing. The home met all the National Minimum Standards, with no shortfalls.
It scored highly throughout the assessment and was judged as excellent in the following areas; individual needs and choice, lifestyle, concerns, complaints and protection and conduct and management of the home.
The CSCI report said: “Sycamore Court actively seeks the views of people living at the home, and encourages individuals to make choices and take responsibility for their daily lives, whilst supporting individuals to maximise and maintain a lifestyle of their choosing.”
It also found that: “People living at Sycamore Court are supported by an enthusiastic and well-trained staff team, who have positive relationships with the people they support.”
Patrick Taylor, Group Director of Support Services at LHA-ASRA, said: “The team at Sycamore Court always work extremely hard to ensure our residents have an excellent quality of life and it is fantastic that inspectors found that was the case when they came unannounced. We are all very proud of achieving three stars.
“At LHA Support Services we believe passionately in treating our clients as individuals who deserve first class care – and its rewarding to know that has been recognised.
The scheme provides residents with access to a range of college courses including literacy, numeracy, IT and cookery. Residents also benefit from a range of social activities, including day trips, visits to the cinema, theatre and concerts as well as holidays.
All residents have a healthy action plan that helps to promote good health and support individuals to reach their goals. A healthy living group has also been set up for residents to discuss and learn about the benefits of a balanced diet.
As part of the inspection, CSCI also surveyed health care professionals who work with the scheme.
They commented that: “Sycamore Court offers a homely environment; they excel in offering individualised care. The staff are motivated, kind and caring.”