Lords Debate Specialist Support For Carers
The government have been debating a new duty to give specialist support for parents caring for disabled children.
An amendment to the children and young person’s bill will put the duty on local authorities to give carers short breaks from their caring responsibilities.
It will give care and support to the carers who will get the opportunity to recharge their batteries.
Disabled children and young people will get opportunities to access activities independently of their families.
The amendment is being discussed in the House and Lords and Lord Rix, president of Mencap, said: “Short breaks should be on a statutory footing to reflect their vital importance. I am confident my fellow peers will agree on this matter and that we shall see legislative change.”
Lord Adonis, the children’s, schools and families minister spoke last month that the government was “looking at legal changes” to set the standards for short break services.
Under the Aiming High for Disabled children programme, the government has targets of £370 million of funding for short break services for local authorities in 2008-11.