Reshuffle Set For North West Children’s Services
A RESHUFFLE in children’s health services is due to begin in April.
A Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) has been in existence in the town since September 2001.
Now it is set to become the Children’s Trust, an organisation which will commission children’s services to meet council objectives and the Government’s Every Child Matters agenda.
advertisementWarrington Primary Care Trust, PCT, discussed the change with Diana Terris, chief executive of Warrington Borough Council, at a board meeting held last Wednesday.
“This is a real opportunity,” she said.
“There is huge potential to cut down and work more collectively and reduce our overheads at the same time.”
The new Children’s Trust will safeguard and protect all children in Warrington, said Kate Abendstern, the director of commissioning for Warrington PCT.
The trust will incorporate people from the PCT and the council as well as schools, Connexions and the police.
The 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS trust, the mental health organisation for the area, will also have a say, as will the Learning and Skills Council and the Children and Young People’s Forum.
The Children’s Trust will come into effect on April 1.
It will take a comprehensive view of all children’s services in Warrington, underpinned by the Every Child Matters agenda.
The purpose of the trust is that every child and young person has the opportunity to reach their potential,’ said a PCT board paper.
“That means providing opportunities for all, with co-ordinated, responsive and preventative and targeted services for those who might otherwise miss those opportunities,” it said.