Will Doomed Staff’s Care Home Become Sheltered Housing Complex?
Sheltered accommodation could soon be built on the site of a care home set for closure.
Social landlord Aspire Housing is in negotiation with Staffordshire County Council to buy Lea House, in Madeley, and turn it into an extra care housing scheme.
Lea House is one of 14 council-run care homes closing as part of the authority’s Changing Lives programme.
The county council wants to increase the number of extra care schemes across Staffordshire, which it sees as a viable alternative to residential care homes for some elderly people.
Aspire already runs 18 sheltered housing schemes across Newcastle, and is working with the county council, Newcastle Borough Council and North Staffordshire Primary Care Trust to develop the borough’s first extra care accommodation at Mill Rise, in Knutton.
This scheme for the over-55s will have 60 apartments with various communal facilities, as well as round-the-clock care and support from staff, hot meals delivered and assisted bathing. Now the county council wants a partner to develop a similar scheme at Lea House, with Aspire a front-runner.
Caroline Simpson, director of business development at Aspire, said: “We have expressed an interest to Staffordshire County Council and are very keen to redevelop the site.
“The council will make a formal announcement once a decision has been reached.”
The county council says the tendering process to find a partner will be completed this month.
Madeley parish councillor Billy Welsh was chairman of the Lea House Action Group, which failed to keep the care home open.
He feared the site would be sold for general housing, and is relieved an extra care facility will be built there.
Mr Welsh said: “Obviously we wanted the care home to stay open, but I think this will go a long way to alleviate concerns.
“This will mean elderly people in Madeley won’t have to leave the village.”
Borough councillor Ashley Howells said: “The fact that Aspire is putting into action the idea of sheltered housing on the site gives me great confidence for the future.”
A county council spokesman said: “The county council is currently undertaking a tender exercise to select a partner.”