Bath Women’s Aid Refuge To Change Hands

A refuge for women fleeing domestic violence is to change hands for the first time in more than 30 years.

Bath Women’s Aid cares for vulnerable women through its refuge and shop, but from Saturday, December 1, both will be managed by Bristol-based Next Link.

Carol Metters, director of Next Link, said: “Our key objective is to ensure women and children have the support they need to keep them safe and well.”

Next Link aims to help women who feel isolated and overwhelmed at the thought of starting all over again and fleeing the abuse, settle in well.

There are also training and education schemes to help them become financially independent.

Muriel Guy, one of the original founders of the Bath Women’s Aid’s refuge, said she was sad to see the change.

She said: “It’s my opinion it will be a sad loss because it will be run in a very different way.”