Government To Consider Mass Vaccination Against Chickenpox
The Department of Health is to consider a mass vaccination of children in England against chickenpox. Experts have been drafted in to weigh up the benefits following a recommendation from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).
One option is believed to be combining a chickenpox vaccine with MMR in a new four-in-one jab.
However, there is concern that a chickenpox jab would fuel a rise in cases of shingles in adults.
Some critics are also concerned that children face a risk of being “over-vaccinated”.
Children are currently recommended to have 13 vaccinations against various diseases from infancy up to the age of 18.
Ten jabs against eight diseases are given before the age of two.
A vaccine against chickenpox was licensed in the UK in 2002 but it has never been part of routine childhood vaccinations and is not currently recommended for standard use.
However, the chickenpox vaccine is routine in the US.
Chickenpox is a highly contagious virus. It is effects are usually mild in children. However, it is more serious for adults and can sometimes be fatal.
It causes about 20 adult deaths in England and Wales each year.
Among those who have called for the introduction of a chickenpox jab are Professor Anne Gershon, an expert in paediatrics at Columbia University in New York, who has argued the policy could help to save many lives.
A Department of Health spokesman said: “The JCVI requested that we set up a sub-group to look into the issues of vaccinating against chickenpox.
“This work is at a very early stage. The JCVI considers a wide variety of issues around vaccination and immunisation.
“Any recommendation to make a change to the programme is only put forward after a lengthy and thorough consideration of all the evidence.”
The virus which causes chickenpox – varicella zoster – also causes shingles – a painful rash which usually strikes in later life.
However, adults who have chickenpox as a child are less likely to develop shingles.