Care Worker Blacklisted After Abuse At Care Home

A care home worker has been sacked for abusing elderly people, The Northern Echo can reveal. The woman was dismissed after mobile phone footage emerged showing her goading frail and elderly residents into shouting foul-mouthed abuse at each other.

She has been blacklisted and will not work with elderly people again. In a three-minute video, the woman tries to incite confrontation between a confused woman and a male resident. At one point, the fearful victim of the abuse pleads with her laughing tormentor, saying: “He will come after me”.

The Northern Echo handed the footage to Durham County Council, which has completed an investigation into the incident. We can now reveal the incident happened at The Chimneys, a privately-run care home in Sherburn Hill.

John Dunn, who co-owns the home with partner Janice Dixon, said he was “absolutely disgusted” at the abuse and immediately sacked the woman, who had worked at the home for about two-and-a-half years. He said: “We had a very good reputation over the years and this has been a one off.

“I was absolutely furious. I feel that our reputation has been tainted by one particular member of staff. I can assure people that The Chimneys is a very safe place to be. We have received many positive comments from residents’ families. Myself and my partner have been very grateful for their support over the past few weeks.”

Mr Dunn said he co-operated with Durham County Council following the incident and is battling to rebuild staff morale. “The measures that have been taken have been discussed with social services and I’ve assured them this has been a one-off incident,” he said. “In my view, this has been sorted.”

Lesley Tickell, Durham County Council’s head of adult care, said she was satisfied the home had “dealt with the situation in an effective manner” and that “issues around care intervention for residents had been addressed”. A spokeswoman for the care watchdog the Commission for Social Care Inspection said it had been kept informed and would continue to inspect the home.

The commission’s latest report says The Chimneys, which charges residents £363.50 per week, is a good home but criticises its management and administration.

Mr Dunn, its owner for nine years, said: “We have built up strong relationships with residents and good working relationships with district nurses, GPs and other professionals.

“I have apologised to the families over the past few weeks. I have had long discussions with them and they have been very supportive towards the home. My staff have been very upset, as well as myself and my partner. We have got to get on with life again, maintaining our good service.”

Action on Elderly Abuse claims about 350,000 elderly people are abused in the UK every year and only one in five nurses would tell the authorities if they witnessed abuse.