LGA ‘Warned About Adoption Targets Back In 2001’
Justice for Families has released evidence proving that the government was warned that their policies to increase adoptions could result in chidren who could safely stay with their birth parents being instead adopted.
In a House of Commons Library Paper on the Adoption and Children Bill dated 16th October 2001 on Page 44 the local government are quoted as saying: “There are real concerns about targets which may rush agencies into placing children for adoption when the best plan, in accordance with the wishes of the child, may be to work with the birth family to enable them to care for their child.”
John Hemming MP said: “Every day this goes on creates further misery and other difficulties that become impossible to properly resolve. The government appears to be turning a blind eye to this issue. I have written to the new minister responsible (Kevin Brennan). The statistical evidence is clear as is the evidence on the basis of individual cases. There is a runaway steamroller destroying families across England and Wales. It needs to be brought under control.”